Do you realise that this baby is something private? It is your baby and you are ok to have strangers see their (sometimes semi-naked) pictures? If you believe that only your friends can see them, you are being naive. Not to mention that many of your FB friends are people you met once. You may say you are bragging about your little muffin. Well, fine, but one picture will do, won't it? Also, there's nothing to brag about when your kid is week old.
Another reason for not putting the pictures online is the fact that your kid will once grow up. And these pictures stay there, somewhere, even if you delete them. And your kid will hate you. Because random hundreds of people have seen it as a tiny little thing which just pissed itself. \If you were my parents, I would hate you. How would you feel if your parents did that to you?
The queen of mommy's is one of...well, she is not my friend, she is an ex of my fiancee and we hang out with her from time to time with the gang. She has a 2 year old baby boy. And not only she keeps posting his pictures, she also writes statuses. All those things you should never ever ever say out loud in public is what she writes on her wall. You people still don't realise, that just because you can't see the followers, doesn't mean they are not there. Hundreds of people mocking you for doing this. And, also hundreds of those who the "aaaw" and "wooow" and "congrats" and "i love it" to everything you post.
You might say it would be easier to delete all these people from my FB friends. I would, but then there would be no one left, honestly. And I like to know what's happening in the lives of those I haven't seen for a while. But I know more about their baby's life. I know it's a huge thing to have a child but it's not the end of everything else!
Anyway, I will have a baby someday (as soon as I finish my degree) and none of you creeps will see it on FB pictures. Or here. Or anywhere. And all those precious moments of first steps etc. will be forever in my photo album. Which is printed and hidden in the bookshelf. Yeah, I'm old school.
But, not to make you all hate me, I must say this: I love cute pictures of children. I understand why you have to post them. But please, make it interesting for the viewers. Which is not, when you post four per day. That kid of yours looks the same during the bath as it did yesterday.
But, not to make you all hate me, I must say this: I love cute pictures of children. I understand why you have to post them. But please, make it interesting for the viewers. Which is not, when you post four per day. That kid of yours looks the same during the bath as it did yesterday.