My only two items with leopard print are worn in this outfit. No animal was harmed during the photo shoot. I was never into animal prints, but I begin to like these. Leopards, I mean. I still hate zebra or snake imitation. I wasn't big fan of fur either. I mean, leather yes, fur no. Am I a hypocrite?
Is it wrong to eat meat and yet be against animal testing or animal cruelty? Is it wrong to have a 20 year old leather handbag and not approve of wearing real fur? These days it seems like you have to choose between the two. You can't stay somewhere in the middle. Probably because people don't know what to think about you when they can't put you in a box. So I'm starting a moderate movement. What's that about, you ask?
Look, I do eat meat and dairy products. I do not buy frozen meat ever and in most cases I only buy meat from local butcher or local fishery. As for eggs, I stopped buying those that come from cages and I usually buy milk from a milk-o-matics (there's a farmer and a businessman in the town, that has three milk dispensers and three times a day you can get fresh milk - I mean real one, that smells like milk and you can even collect cream from the top!). As for clothes, leather is leather. And no vegan leather lasts as long as real leather (or I havent met such material yet!). Anyway, I assume that the thick pigskin I get my bags made of come from a pig that was... well how to put it nicely... fully used. When you kill an animal, you should use the most of it, so the life you ended isn't wasted. So It's not fur or zebra leather I'm against, It's just that I think that animal had to die for you to have a nice coat or so. See the point I'm making here? No? Ok, I'll stop now and keep talking about how I hate and love clothes...
grey coat, thrifted,
grey shirt, Freshmade,
leopard tank top, thrifted,
blue pants, thrifted,
Chelsea boots, Baťa,
crossbody bag, off-brand,
sunglasses, Gate,
necklace, Kik