Friday 11 July 2014

I am a vegetarian... except for occasional steaks

To be honest, I'm not. I just wanted to say I understand you guys. A little. I mean, there are many good reasons for not eating meat. You don't like the taste of it, you don't like the way animals are treated, you think you are healthier without it... I get it. I am just not going to join you. And here's why.
It is OK to eat meat. What is not OK is animal treatment. And the fact that we produce more that we can use, so we throw away tons of food every single day. Not just meat. It's not only lives of animals that come to waste, it's other things. That is not right.
You are doing it wrong. I mean, not all of you, but recently, there are many new vegetarians and vegans only because it is “IN”. And these people know nothing about substituting meat with other products. Their diet is not balanced, their bodies starve and they lose weight. You might say “that's awesome, I'm gonna be a vegetarian too and I'm gonna be thin.” Well, no. You are going to be a very unhealthy person. In order to be a vegetarian or a vegan, you need to know. Know what you should eat in order to get all the vitamins and stuff you were getting from meat and dairy products. Not that you don't have to know what you should eat when you are a carnivore (or precisely omnivore), but I think it is more difficult when you give up animal products. Some proteins and nutrients are hard to find in vegetables and legumes.
This is falafel, on of my most favourite vegetarian food.
Wrapped in a tortilla with tomatoes, arugula and balkan cheese. 
I love vegetarian food. There are weeks and even months in which I eat no meat at all. I enjoy Indian spinach, Chinese noodles with vegetables, eggplants, chickpeas, soy, lentils, all kinds of beans and seeds and nuts. I really do. To be honest, I wouldn't mind being a vegetarian. I just don't want to. I like to get some meat from time to time. I usually buy some at farmer's store, town butcher or a fishery. I try to avoid frozen meat at the supermarket. It is usually full of water. I know I can't be sure that butcher's meat is not from an animal that was bred in a cage, but I'm trying to avoid that possibility. I wouldn't want to be a vegan. I could give up meat if I had to but not the cheese and yogurt and milk. Think what you want but soy yogurt and soy milk taste nothing like the real one.

Finally, I want to say one thing. Don't judge people for eating or not eating stuff. It is none of your concern. And don't be a vegetarian in order to lose some weight. That is not how it works. If you believe you should get thinner, you should change your diet properly, not to become sick. And do not throw food away, please. It makes me furious.

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