Thursday 22 January 2015

Animals I'm totally gonna have when I grow up

I am mostly a cat person but I love all kinds of animals. Truth is that every once in a while I fall in love with a certain animal and I just need to have it. But I am no longer a kid so I do not beg my parents to buy me a rabbit or so, I download pictures and look at the animal for as long as possible knowing that I both cannot afford to buy the animal and don't have time for taking care of it. But this is the list of animals I would totally get if I had unlimited budget and unlimited time.

1. Akita Inu
 Ever since I've read book called"Dogs Have the Strangest Friends" ("Když se zvířata kamarádí") by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, I've wanted a bear. And a ginger kitten and a gorilla. And an elephant and hippo and eagle. But one of the most touching stories in this children's book (well, I have it - again, as one of my former friends stole it from me, and still cry when reading it) is the one about a dog waiting for his master every single day at a train station (there's a movie about it and the story is quite known, but I first read it in the book), the story of Hachiko. Later I looked up the breed and found out, that not only Akita's are very smart, well behaved and devoted dogs, but they also look like bigger foxes. So I came to a conclusion I must have one.

2.Bengal cat
Like I said, I'm a cat person. A a cat that looks like a leopard? It's like having a leopard kitten that never grows up! That's the dream! A tiny tiger or a lion would be even better, but tiger cats have very little in common with real tigers. And when you try to look up a lion cat, all you find is a cat with a lion wig. The kittens are available for sale. The price is not low, a kitten costs about 800$, which is almost 20 000 CZK for a cat. I know that some people are willing to pay the price, but I'd rather give shelter to a kitten of a normal domestic cat, that would be drowned otherwise. But I admit it would be damn cool having a cat leopard.

3. Pomsky 
This breed was quite new for me (also is the newest one to my list) and it is just adorable! I used to be afraid of Husky's because when I was a kid, one of them bit my hand (I was a silly child who wanted to pet an unknown dog). As for a Pomeranian, I've always thought that it is a dog suitable only for an elderly lady living in an apartment, going out only twice a day and walking the dog in front of the block. But this little cutie joins two breeds I don't particularly like and creates a new one I love, incredible!

4. Incredibly Deadly Viper
When I was growing up, I wanted a snake. It was cool to have a different pet than the others and I also wanted to scare my mum. One of my classmates had corn snakes and I really wanted one. Much later, after finishing Series of Unfortunate Events (weird ending, by the way) I've decided that corn snake is too mainstream. I'm gonna get Ink. The idea of having a huge and terrifying snake which would be in fact complete harmless and friendly sounds like fun. I hope they have it in blue so it would go with a sofa in our living room.

5. Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
This breed has a long tradition in our country, but it only came into my mind after seeing and reading Game of Thrones. I've listed this one in the very end but this is actually the winner. We agreed that if we ever have a house with a garden, we will get this dog. The prices are acceptable, you can get a puppy for 5000 CZK (approx. 210$), those with registration papers are available for 12000 CZK (500$). Can you imagine having your estate guarder by a wolf! Nobody would dare enter. Also, the breed is intelligent and needs proper care and discipline and love. I think I could do that.

See, I've grown up from dreaming of unicorns (if you see one, let me know), olyphants and owls (snow owl is not very clever idea in this climate!)...

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