Thursday 8 January 2015

Hunger Games movie series

I have to admit, I've read the books before seeing the movies. You can read about my opinions on that here. But this article is focusing on the movie adaptations. As every reader I was of course disappointed about some of the features in the movies, about the cuts and choices. But an overall is quite fine. Katniss Everdeen is sometimes overacting, but that's it. If I can ignore the fact, that some characters were eliminated, some characters poorly chosen and some information unsaid, I must say it's a pretty good movie. The soundtrack is very well chosen (I especially appreciate the "Hanging tree" from Mockingjay pt.1). It's a pity that the first movie had no advertising at all in our country so I learnt about it's existence in a review of the second movie (which didn't have a big campaign either), which was when I read all the books and then saw the first two movies.
I was quite worried about the third one, as they split the book in halves (which is a very "in" move in a movie industry nowadays). The campaign was huge, you could see Katniss burning on almost every corner. And then the premiere came and the people were saying that it was quite annoying, nothing happened, etc. And when I came to see it, I was like: "Why do you hate it so much?" I get it, there was not much of an action but if was quite precise. In a way I am happy that they are making two movies of the book, because there's so much essential information, that if they made just one movie of it, they would have to cross out a lot and the readers would probably hate it. And I didn't. Which is a good thing, I guess.
Anyway, wait for the last part. The very end is a little stupid but what comes before it is going to be (or should be) pretty huge.

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